
“Where The Journey Begins…”

Naturally, some people are great with money because of their upbringing and money education. They can create a strict budget and stick to it, they understand savings, investments, retirement strategies etc. I am not that person. I didn’t grow up in a family where savings and budgeting constitute part of the daily conversation. I wasted my 20s spending all of the money I made and living paycheck to paycheck. I’m that naive woman who owned a home (well a big tonne of debt) but didn’t really understand how the interest rates work or how to get ahead on that mortgage. But I turned things around. I read, studied,  listened to and learnt from experts who are good at these things, and designed blueprints that worked for people like me.

It’s never too late for you to change your financial story. It is better to start late than never at all.

This blog is dedicated to those women out there who are smart, clever, with a successful mindset, but for some reason just can’t seem to get on top of their debt or reach those savings goals.

My aim is to help YOU (women) using this blog and social media forums (Facebook and Instagram) by sharing my Financial Independence (FI) journey experience, practical and my personally tested blueprints,  and tips in a non-technical and easy to understand format. This blog is structured in a non-traditional way to save you time and answer most of your everyday personal finance questions. Please follow me on my journey and see if what I have learnt can help you too. If you ever have a question or want more information on a topic please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Disclaimer: Please note, I am not a financial expert, information contained in this blog is based upon my experiences, research and what has worked for me. I want to help people with what I have learnt but I do not offer professional personal financial advice, just tips for the smart ladies.