Budgeting, Inspiration, Planning

The Single Ladies Valentine’s Day Survival Guide (On A Tight Budget)

It is that time of year again, the lead up to Valentine’s day. As much as I loved being single and the freedom that afforded me lets be honest as a single lady, Valentine’s day can suck, as a single lady on a tight budget, it can double suck.

Here are my 5 tips for treating yourself like the Queen you are and showering yourself with love this Valentine’s day.

1- Check out your local area for free festivals, music events etc

On this side of the world, February is warm which means festivals and music events are in abundance. Make google your friend and see what is happening around you. Go by yourself or take your single girlfriends along with you.

2- Get your single friends together

Now, this can be just your girlfriends or you can invite the single lads around too. Have a board game day, a movie marathon, day at the beach, group hike, potluck dinner. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do but enjoy spending the day with people you actually like and care about, doing something that you enjoy

3- Spend the day pampering yourself with a DIY spa day

Yes ladies we can do this easily on a budget. Buy a face mask from your local chemist/Bodyshop/Kmart, give yourself a pedicure, a manicure, a face mask, a hair mask. Soak in a bubble bath, use that foot spa you got 2 years ago.  Drink some wine, watch your favourite trashy movie and eat some chocolate/ice cream/ cheese/ popcorn. Pamper yourself and remember just how amazing you are.

4- Get active

Spend the day exploring your area by walking, hiking, biking. Go swimming, join a yoga class. Get outside and enjoy the weather and get your sweat on. Exercise helps to release those feel-good endorphins (and makes you feel better about the chocolate/ice cream/cheese that may be waiting for you at home)

5- Go off theme

Completely go off script and host a horror movie marathon. No sappy love stories here, invite your friends over and see just how much gore and horror you can handle. Why not relive the high school years and turn it into a sleepover?