Couples Finance, Inspiration, Savings

The “Sex Jar” it’s like a swear jar but a lot more fun

To my friends, family and colleagues I apologise and feel free to look away now, but if you read on you may just find a clever and simple little tip to keep your relationship intimacy going strong AND save some money for fun couple things at the same time…. so to take a leave from Salt+Peppa’s 1991 hit… let’s talk about sex!

What are two of the biggest contributors to a failing relationship? Money and sex (well intimacy) so when embarking upon my new relationship I was determined that I would be up front, open and honest about my finances and financial goals which was daunting but so worth it. I was also wanting to implement things to make sure that our intimacy as a couple grew well beyond that “honeymoon period”. Chatting one night with my partner we were discussing these two things and thought surely there was a way to combine them….thus the “Sex Jar” was born.

Now I’m sure that we have all heard about the swear jar- for every time you cuss you put money into the jar. Well, the Sex Jar works on the same principle- everytime you and your partner get down you put $5 in the jar. How much money goes into that jar is all dependant on how ah-hem “active” the two of you have been 😉

When that jar is nice and full (well-done guys) you then empty the money (and here is the really fun part) it must be spent on a fun couple activity. Now if you have been VERY busy in the bedroom maybe that’s a romantic getaway, or perhaps a night out dancing. Maybe you will use that money to do a cooking class together or take dancing lessons, perhaps you can use it to pay a baby sitter and go and watch a movie or eat at your favourite restaurant. The cool part about the sex jar is that the money in there is for fun, couple things only.

The sex jar is your kick back, let your hair down, forget the budget and have fun blowing all that money that you had fun saving 😉 It may sound like a simple tip but I think the benefits are great. Please let me know what you (and your partner) think of the sex jar, I know we love it!!