Goal Setting, Inspiration

I’m Debt Free!!!

Oh my gosh, what an amazing feeling it is to write this… and not just blogging about it but shouting it out loud!!!! Come and Celebrate with me smart ladies!!!

So if you have read my story, you will know more about my journey and figure out that  I have been a determined little cookie in that time!! In the beginning, I doubted the little changes I was making would enable me to pay off my credit card debt.  

My 2018 ultimate goal was to pay it off and that’s what I have been working towards over the last 12 months. The effort, planning and determination have been fruitful to completely eliminate my credit card debt.

I have been blessed that my debt is only consolidated into a single credit card and still made effort to save some money from my paychecks while paying it off. I understand that for many women out there they are paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt or are trying to budget without enough money to go around.

The size of my debt might be smaller or bigger than yours, but the feeling of being trapped financially is the same.

Smart ladies, this does not mean that if you fall in one or both of those two categories you cannot make a difference to your finances. Most importantly, I take responsibilities for the unproductive debts I have had so far and stopped blaming my lack of financial education. Taking ownership of my situation helped me to be intentional in rectifying my financial mistakes easily.

Since early 2018, I have worked hard to turn my finances around, to track where my money goes, to direct it to where I want it to go and to have control over my money. I haven’t been perfect, I have had unnecessary splurges (…thinking of the impact  Briscoes November sale had on my savings…not a smart shopping spree for me). but overall I have been much better with my money and learnt so much on this journey.

As I say goodbye to 2018 and look forward to 2019, I can’t believe that I actually hit my target of paying back all that credit card debt and have a good little emergency fund started! I am determined to learn, grow, and save more next year.  Most importantly, right now I am going to bask in the glow of knowing that I reached the target I set for myself and shout out loud to my living room.. loud enough to startle the cows grazing in the neighbour’s paddock.


Smart ladies, what effort are you making to be debt free or reduce your debt substantially within the next year? I would like to hear from you and let’s stay connected on Facebook or Instagram.