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Be Gangsta With Your Money: 5 Tips To Gain Control Over your Finances

1- Get everyone on board
If you want to show your money who’s boss you need to have everyone on the same page and singing the same tune. That means you, your partner and any children all need to be working towards the same goals and have an understanding of what changes are happening and why

2- Know where the money is coming from
Track exactly where all your household money is coming from. Include all jobs, tax returns, interest etc. Have a very open and clear idea of exactly what money is coming in.

3- Track where the money is going
Track exactly where all your money goes. Keep a money journal or thoroughly review your bank statements but have an open and honest view of where you are actually spending your money

4- Cut down on expenses
Once you have tracked were you are spending your money you may have identified areas in which you can cut down your spending. Sit down and make a plan to cut your expenses, if you have a partner they need to be on the same page with you and agree to trimming any fat.

5- Tell your money where to go
Now to truly control your money you have to be calling the shots and tell your money where you want it to go, that means that you have to have a plan for it. Are you wanting to get out of debt or saving for a vacation? Have a clear goal and then create a budget to channel your money towards making that happen.